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please do not click any of the ads. i did not sponsor them and i hate them. please ignore them or also try to find a way to block them.

Roast forumotion: ADS IN 66 € per MONTH PACKAGE

i hate my hosting service more and more.

guys... yeah, it looks like all of you can see it... there are ad banners. at the sides, at the top, and at the bottom. The reason for this:

i dont fing know. 

I dont get any revenue from this ads and i didnt select them. i also dont know which ads are displayed. But i have to ask you about not clicking them. And that is because there may be one or more of the following content:
  • Inapporate content
  • kid not apporate content
  • scams
  • viruses
  • illegal...


first blog post!

i dont know what a blog is! yay!!!

Nice job IKG

we finaly have a comparison of office pcs.

hello, im admin, but too lazy to log in.

Heres the story:

My dad has a office laptop at home that has only a few usb-C ports and he hates it for that less stuff. he also has a 11th gen intel i7 core which has around 20 cores (NO JOKE).
Also it has nice ddr5 ram on 64 gb. then too 2 designated running nvidia gpus.
Its his job laptop. And it seems to be very strong upgraded. I found the original model on the HP website, and its for 2400 € or so. well it looks similar. has 16 gb of ram and a i9 cpu. Well... My dads offics laptop is for that speed only used to...


Today is short

Today is Monday. Monday is a evil, mad, and annoying day. Mostly for me. Today I had to go to school as every day and witnessed the existence of a laptop with 4 cores and 3 GB of ram. Which was still loading up scratch faster than my wifi.

Also I had a really nice experience trying out ALL versions of scratchOS and having fun with it. The first one was pretty ok, the second one too full of graphic effects, and the third one was designed horrifyingly. Like it looks great and nice animations everything algins low CPU usage... But it's so annoying to use sometimes. Especially with the moving...


Brand new day

So today I woke up with my eyes burning. (As every day in my life)

I directly went into the kitchen to eat some cake that was left from my birthday. We somehow managed to make 2 cakes so I thought I could just go and eat one piece.

After that I went back to bed again and thought about what to do today:
Continue designing scratchOS 4, or scratch's website? Or maybe a scratch mobile app? And when I design a mobile app about scratch, I have to respect all kinds of Android phones: android 5 phones, small phones, tablets, low-power phones, low battery capacity phones.... And...


Care for your cats

Whatever you may think i own, the thing i most love in my life are my 2 cats.they are realy nice and fun to care about. Now here are 3 pics i have from them which show them being realy happy and satisfied as i have scratched them with the cat scratcher (im to lazy to translate this properly and also too lazy to hit backspace)

KDF_blog 20240629-113451
A lot of cat hair after scratching. And that's the brush.

27.06.24 - 2


I just got the message that JloAu actualy liked my forum. Which is very nice because no one ever liked something from me :/

Whatever i too want to promote a big function that is new:
The KDFdiscuss forum is now aviable as a mobile apo, including a custom app icon, more animations, and it removes the top bar of the browser. Also you can use keyboard emotes.

Like this: 😃


Plane crash

In germany we just had a high air storm.
And in that storm, my dads plane crashed. Or more it emergency landed on the runway. But it was a empty flight and only the belly was scratched.

As a notice, that flight was 30 minutes late.
As a comparison: a flight return takes about 30 minutes. Like gosh if it wouldnt be late


JloAu finaly answered me.

JloAu, the mystery french guy i know and also is the only one that is possibly going to read this, responded to my post about the forum.
Yes, i gave it PunBB. 

But im more likely upset that still no one used the forum.
I every day spent much time on inprooving it, which is complicated for me,
because i realy dont have many free time to spent. Also i would like to hire somebody as mod,
but first i have to get him to trust, and thats heavy,
because i allways try to give people a shot and most of the time they just trolled me.

(exept for JloAu take a...


Smthing bout school PCs

im writing this on a School laptop.

I am actualy suposed to join some game on a page called "Scribble.io",
but i have no idea how to get there.

The laptop runs on 4 cores with 1.1 ghz basic speed, (that is very low)
and has 7.8 gigs of ram, running on a single stick.

To comparison we take the 500 € laptop my dad bought so we can watch films from DVD from it.
It has 31.9 gigs of dual ram, a 250 gig ssd drive, a quadro something gpu (that runs okay and good), a dvd drive, some usb ports, a vga port (love vga here), a display port conector,...



so, now i want to set down that you can have the most fuin in here by logging in. but you can place ads
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