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Deutschland / Deutſchland

i need someone to help me creating scratch OS 4. for that, everyone with a second class coding expirence with focus about OS coding is welcome. this OS has to be fully pen rendered. the features should include a coding language that is easy and simple to understand, and some programs. also the file system i made should be welcome. it needs:

A working cloud exchangement with a live file sharing board. tzhe board should work via dragging and dropping files on it someone can drag from them. Also it has to be consistent with a messenger that has the functionaloity to send files and recive files, and have private contact lists. The OS doesnt have to be hosted on scratch so we can sh!t on the scratch file limits and the scratch limits and go on to code it directly in Turbowarp. The OS also should have the ability to take photos and make live calls. also i would love to have a audio record function. it has to be in a 700x 1000 resolution when it opens. the code runner should have 2 versions or more which change between functionality and simplicity. also it should be an Editor programm in there. All aps can open up in fullscreen. only thing is that the OS also has to have a functional web browser. It should have very customizable and good animations. optimum is hat it runs chrome as a .exe file