guys... yeah, it looks like all of you can see it... there are ad banners. at the sides, at the top, and at the bottom. The reason for this:

i dont fing know. 

I dont get any revenue from this ads and i didnt select them. i also dont know which ads are displayed. But i have to ask you about not clicking them. And that is because there may be one or more of the following content:
  • Inapporate content
  • kid not apporate content
  • scams
  • viruses
  • illegal sites
  • anoying sites
  • game sites
  • or for the worst, online shopping pages
  • subscription pages
  • film hosting pages

And i have to warn you about that these ads may contain psychical harming content. Like this, it could even be hero wars ads or animated ads. Also, there could be sites that are selling you luck games. 

To be fair, i do not know why there were no ads in the first place. And if there is any way to deactivate them without paying anything, cost what it costs, mail me on my profile. Thanks for reading this global anouncement. 

It is very important for me to keep future members away from any harm. And i want to keep the style of my own webpage clean and nice. these ads bring dirt and sickness in the forum. keep it clean. dont click them. thank you.

Last edited by Admin on Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : ads)