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Whatever you may think i own, the thing i most love in my life are my 2 cats.they are realy nice and fun to care about. Now here are 3 pics i have from them which show them being realy happy and satisfied as i have scratched them with the cat scratcher (im to lazy to translate this properly and also too lazy to hit backspace)

27.06.24 20240629-113451
A lot of cat hair after scratching. And that's the brush.

27.06.24 20240629-113551
That's my cat lea. She looks nice ???? 

27.06.24 20240629-113513
And that's my cat Felix. He really looks like the cat in the advertisements. And that's fun because he is always so happy and playful.

And that's it so far about my cats. Both of them are really friendly and meow so much. They also know when they have to be quite what is very polite from them. 
As a example: 
if my dad has a video conference and has to talk, the cat just sits there. 
Also, when we talk about politeness, they both never clawed me. That shows they know what hurts you and what not. But when they want your attention, they just poke you without claws. At least mostly. 
Because in some conditions, a cat can't control wheter their claws are out or not. Then it happens that they claw you a bit. But that doesn't hurt much and since I know the cat can't control that bit, I just ignore it and give them what they want.
I mistly know what they want. A cat has its very own unique way to talk to you. And it's the way they look at you, and how they meow. A cat doesn't just meow. A cat can have very large bands of content in a few 'meow'-s. 
If she's sad, she meows in a deep note with some kind of "mrrr" in the voice. If she's happy, she meows in a high voice that sounds like it's about to stall, and almost goes into nothing. And if they think they got your attention and want you to do something like coming with you (depends on the behavior), they make something like "mahk". This is mostly like the happy indicator, but with more voice in the end.

And by the way that's the first message I ever wroten on Gboard. And it will get a review.

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