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So today I woke up with my eyes burning. (As every day in my life)

I directly went into the kitchen to eat some cake that was left from my birthday. We somehow managed to make 2 cakes so I thought I could just go and eat one piece.

After that I went back to bed again and thought about what to do today:
Continue designing scratchOS 4, or scratch's website? Or maybe a scratch mobile app? And when I design a mobile app about scratch, I have to respect all kinds of Android phones: android 5 phones, small phones, tablets, low-power phones, low battery capacity phones.... And I will have to ask jloau about how to do that. Maybe notdamien3 can help?

And what I did was bust out my old nexus 5 phone and type this into it. I love the side screen that is perfect and the nice keyboard that ot got. The autocorrect u're just works amazing. You cant say I made more than 3 writing mistakes here ain't I did? And I type faster than lights speed. At least I feel like I do. I can write a novel in here within a hour. And the feature for translation is just amazing. For example, I didn't knew what "Roman" spells in english. It spells novel. That's right and the feature works amazing! You just type and it gets you going.

Anyway, thanks for reading this trash.

So let's continue:

My day normally begins with some cereals and some flat white coffee type. It's literally milk foam and a bit of non-strong coffee. I love it.
After that I pour way too many sugar in it and then drink about the half of it cus I have to finish the cereals first. Wellp that's my begining of the day for you mate.

After that I most likely grab my bag and go to school. I don't go to shower, I only brush my teeth and when my mum wants so, I wash my face.

In school I first start to fall asleep again. I don't know why I'm always that sleepy, I just can't stay awake the day and that's annoying. I know the teachers don't like it and I too know my class camerades always troll me for that.

In school I mostly can't complain about the teachers. They do their job, they're perfectly fine. They are nice, understanding (most of the time) and I honestly think its just me being too stupid for the Gymnasium. ( By the way the auto correct u're is just lovely i just have to say good job Google GOOD ????.) My problem is just that I can't really get focused on the lessons. The people in the class have some kind of hate on me I think. I dont know.
My problem. With school is that the breaks are too loud, and they really stress me out. The breaks are there to get relaxed and gain focus again. Get energy. And I LOOSE energy and I HATE it. It's really no that nice when around 60 kids scream and throw things around all the time. And they talk nonsense. I think it's because of brainrot. You know... Series like skibidy toilet or games like brawl stars etc... Brain rot. Straight up. How can someone not be shaming fir playing stuff like this? Is it just me or are you the same opinion? Let me know by writing a comment. That would be nice. Thanks.

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